Friday, October 16, 2009


Wondering how you book your wedding photography or portrait photography session. Give us a call or e-mail. We’ll have a chat about what you’re looking for, I’ll answer any further questions you may have.

A 50% deposit is required to hold the booking. For Wedding Photography, the remainder is payable two weeks before the Wedding date, and with Portrait Photography the balance is due at the time of the shoot.

What if I have to cancel my session?
You have 1 week to reschedual your photography session your deposit will be placed towards this. If you do not call us for a new session your deposit is non-refundable. Each photography session is personalized we are not a walkin, there for your deposit is held to hold your time and payment for our time loss.

Whatever you are comfortable in! The choice is entirely yours – just think about what you hope to achieve in your pictures, and dress accordingly. Are you looking for a contemporary relaxed family picture? Then jeans work very well, and perhaps same coloured shirts.

Bright contrasting colours (no clashing colours!) make a high impact with children, but can be distracting on adults.

Everyone in black or white can look effective too. The key is to know what you’re looking for – or bring a selection and work together to create some different looks. Choose clothing in similar colours or neutral tones so that no single member of the family stands out because the clothing is too light or bright compared to the rest of the group.

The goal of any portrait is to direct the viewers attention to the face or faces in the portrait. Simple, long-sleeved garments in natural colours always work well, but:

Bold stripes, checks and prints are confusing.
Bright colours, such as red or orange, will tend to overpower the face and ruin the portrait.
Ladies should wear light, natural make-up, and unobtrusive jewellery.

Whatever you or the kids are comfortable with! If you feel awkward, the pictures won’t be great. My aim is to get you having fun and enjoying yourselves – fairly quickly you’ll forget that you hate having your picture taken, and you’ll love the pictures we get as a result. What we do is entirely dependent on what happens on the day!

I know how hard it is to be the parent of a child who is about to be photographed. You want to do everything in your power to make the portrait session go as well as possible. But the harder you try, the worse things can get!

I suggest that you tell your young child that "we are going to the photographers to play." Don't tell him or her "to be good" or "to smile for photographer," as this often backfires. My goal is to record a natural expression, and my experience shows that the best way to do this is to see how the child reacts to the photographic situation, then plan my strategy for capturing the portrait. Often I will ask the child questions or give directions, not really expecting him or her to respond in any certain way. As hard as it might be on you, just let me work and don't "coach" the child - all this will do is disrupt the rapport I am trying to establish. This may take all of your will power, but it is really is important if I am to get the most out of the portrait session for you and your child. As the session develops, I might ask you to help direct the child's attention or assist with coaching a certain expression. If so, I will try to be as specific as I can, so that you will know what to do. After many years of photographing babies and children, and with two kids of my own, I have a pretty big "bag of tricks"...

Very occasionally we have a child who is quite definitely not up for it on the day. In this case, persevering regardless will merely create poor pictures, stressed parents (and photographer!) and a really unhappy child. If this should happen we will simply call a halt, have a break, and then try again. Nine times out of ten a break and taking the pressure off is all it takes to relax the child. But if it’s still a no go, then we will stop and reschedule the shoot for another time. The most important thing is for you to relax – if you’re wound up, your child will be too. If you’re ready to simply come and have some fun and enjoy yourselves, I guarantee we’ll get images you’ll love forever.

The most intriguing part of photographing babies is that no two sessions are alike; you really never know what to expect! A baby can be grumpy one minute and gurgling the next. So, don't worry, I’m prepared to do whatever "entertaining" is necessary to help your baby get settled. In fact, I do a pretty good job of making a fool of myself because very often that's what it takes to make a great portrait.

Please do keep in mind your babies routine, and schedule a shoot sensibly around feeds and naps where possible. A tired and hungry baby won’t help make the most relaxed pictures!

For slightly older babies, the rules are similar to the adults clothing. Depending on the type of image you’re looking for - and the personality of your child - select something soft and simple, or bright and fun.

Beware of big collars or ruffles around the neck: they always manage to pop up and obscure the baby's face. You are welcome to bring more than one outfit. Above all, dress your child in clothes they are comfortable in. If the session is to be outdoors, use your common sense and dress them for the season. Other possible items to bring are a cute hat, a favourite toy, or simply anything which they are attached to.

When is the best time to book a portrait shoot for my newborn?

It's better to aim for between 6-12 weeks after birth. This gives them enough time to form routines, allowing us to schedule a time that works within your and their needs.

Can you come to our home for portraits?

Of course. Sarah Menefee photography aims to capture you and your loved ones in a comfortable environment. During initial consultation we'll work with you to determine the best place to achieve your desired results.

Can we include our pets in our family portraits?

Pets can be such a big part of our lives. Including your pets in your portraits is a great idea. We suggest bringing treats and leads for easy management on the shoot

Can I get a portrait session gift voucher?

Of course! There's no greater gift than one that lasts a lifetime. Just call and email for more information.

How long are my photos kept?

Some of our customers like to buy their photos in stages. So we keep your photos for up to 6 months, allowing you to purchase them whenever you wish.With an online gallery up for 30 days.

Will I be able to share my web gallery with friends and family?
Your web gallery is password protected and allows you to choose exactly who you wish to view it.

What should I bring with me?

If your child has a particular toy that makes her smile, please bring it along. Toys that make noise are great for smaller children. And a favorite stuffed animal can be a big help for children that are shy and don’t want to take photos alone.

At what point during my pregnancy should my photos be taken?
Your session should be booked approximately six weeks prior to your due date or when you most feel comfortable about being photographed.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why should I hire a profesional photographer?

The digital revolution has brought amazing flexibility and ability to control various factors during the image taking and making process. Photographers, the hobbyist, the professional, the amateur all benefit from this ability to manipulate pixels. However, with flexibility comes a price. Digital camera equipment is still considerably more expensive when you factor in its’ lifespan, the need for additional resources for processing those images, the time it takes to get a usable image and the effort that goes into creating a work of photographic art.

We all know that you can go to the local Walgreen’s and pay a $1.99 for a print - as a client you may wonder why you may pay upwards of $50, $70, $90 for a custom photography print. Photographers hear this statement every once in awhile:

“How in the world can you charge $60 for an 8×10 if it costs me less than $2 to print at x store?”

The truth of the matter is the answer to this question is multifaceted. Much of the cost of a photographic print produced by a professional photographer has a lot to do with the time, equipment costs, artistic vision and reputation of the photographer not to mention expertise and the usual costs of running a legitimate business.

The cost of TIME

Approaching it from a time standpoint, let’s imagine that you have hired a photographer who has work that you love. This photographer is traveling an hour to your destination to photograph your session. Here is an example of a time break down:

* session prep time (30 mins - 1 hour, includes equipment and back up equipment checks + vehicle checks)
* one hour travel time TO session
* 90 minutes-2 hours with client photographing subject
* one hour travel time FROM session
* 30-45 minutes uploading time from digital cards from camera to computer
* 30-45 minutes time spent backing up the original images
* 2-5 hours editing time to present you with a diverse gallery of edited images
* 1 hour prep time getting ready for ordering
* 2-3 hours time with client for ordering images
* 1 hour sorting through and checking order
* 30 minutes-1 hour prep time for delivery
* 30 minutes-1 hour getting order shipped
* any additional phone time or time needed for add on ordering, shipment issues, quality issues

In this example, the time spent per client can range from just under 13 hours to 19 hours - dependent on the photographer’s level of service. This is time dedicated only to ONE session. When the photographer charges $150-$300 for the photo shoot (aka SESSION FEE) you are not just paying for the two hours of session time, you are paying the photographer for 12-19 hours complete time for your session.

The COSTS of Maintaining a Custom Photography Business:

Regarding equipment costs, a good quality professional camera with a selection of good optical quality lenses and digital storage mediums and computer set up can run from $10,000-$30,000 costs dependent on the photographer. Even though you can purchase a really good quality digital SLR for about $2100 there are still other costs related to photography. A good lens for portrait photography can run from $900 to $2500. A dependable computer system with software loaded for business and creative usage can run $2500 to $8000 dependent on the photographer.

Then come lab costs for specialty products. A good photographer knows the lab is integral to their success. Photography labs dedicated to the professional photographer often cost more and offer a range of products that allows the custom photographer to continually offer new, innovative products for you, the discerning client.

Discussion other costs of running a photography business could take awhile so we’ll skip many of the intricate details. There is of course much more: including costs of running the business, taxes, studio rental/mortgage if the photographer has ownership of a dedicated studio, vehicular costs, costs of advertising/marketing, costs of sample pieces that the photographer will likely bring to your session, etc.


Often times clients will mention to their photographer that X studio in the mall/department store only charges $19.99 for an 8×10 “sheet” or they may mention other things related to discount photography chains. The fact is those discount chains make their money on volume, not on customized 1:1 service. In February 2007 leased photography retail space by a rather well known discount department store that started in Arkansas closed down 500 of their portrait studios across the nation? The reason is simple, you cannot make money on 99¢ “professional” prints if you do not sell enough of them. Interestingly enough - those same studios that offer the loss leader packages often charge much much more for their a la carte pricing (as high as $40-50 for an 8×10). The whole reason the big department stores began offering portrait services in the first place was to get you, the savvy consumer, in through their door so that you could spend more money with them in other departments. Your “PORTRAITS” are considered the “loss leader”.

Going to a chain studio, as a consumer, you don’t have the benefit of 1:1 attention for 2 hours at your home where your child is allowed to explore, play and be comfortable in their home environment, nor do you get the experience that many custom photographers are known for or the lovely captures of natural expressions. You simply get a bare bones, “SAY CHEESE” experience. Keep this in mind when selecting a photographer.


Being in demand, being well known for quality work, having a good reputation often costs time on the photographer’s part. Their expertise comes at a cost, their time learning their craft and learning the intricacies of lighting and the commitment put forth on their end to create a persona about their business that oozes professionalism. A great number of photographers go a very long time from the time that they purchase their first good camera to making money at the business of photography. Many photographers, when first starting out, rush in thinking that the business will be easily profitable in no time, how expensive could it be to get a camera and use it to create their dream? They often neglect to factor in the cost of business, the cost of equipment, software, back ups, etc..

Being of sound reputation, a better professional photographer knows that they must always reinvest in their business to create the reputation of being top notch. To create good work good equipment, reliable equipment, back up equipment is a necessity. The photographer who desires to be known as better/best/unparalelled reputation-wise knows that the most important thing they can do for their business is reliability and dependability. This is how reputations get built. Good work often is a wonderful side product of building that good reputation.

I hope this (lengthy) article helps shed some light on WHY a custom photographer is a better choice for your senior portraits. The photographs that are produced as a result of the professionalism and dedication that your photographer has will be cherished for a lifetime (or more) and great thought and consideration should be placed into hiring who is right for your family’s most precious investment.

taken from an article on www.professionalchildphoto by Marianne Drenthe

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thoughts from Clients

Hey Sarah,

My family an
d I just wanted to tell you how thankful we are that you are doing this for our soldiers and their families!

You are truly a wonderful person and you and your work are very close to our hearts, thanks so much. . .

The Griffith Family


Hi Sarah!

Just wanted to thank you AGAIN for the amazing job. It was incredibly pleasant and relaxed (except for my stupid jeans!). The pictures were more than what I hoped for. I will be contacting you as soon as baby is here!

Thank you thank you thank you!
Amber and Jon Ernst


Thank you so much for taking the time to take the pictures of our family. It means a lot to us especially to our little girl so loves just to stare at pictures of her and her dad. Thanks again for all of the hard work you do for all of the men and women who service our country.

--Amber Beeson